Dear MTUD Customers,

If you have received the following announcement, this is not a Township or Utility Department mailing. The Township’s municipal drinking water meets or exceeds all regulatory requirements under the Safe Drinking Water Act as enforced by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the N.J. Department of Environmental Protection.    The Township is NOT responsible for the maintenance of private wells, as that is the responsibility of the private property owner.


Two (2) homeowners on Hoffman Road had their private wells tested, which showed some levels of contaminants.    The Township and the County Health Department have advised these residents not to drink, cook or bathe with this water.


In an effort to assist these residents, the Township has budgeted 2016 capital funds to install a new water main on the northern end of Hoffman Road.   This will allow these two (2) homes to disconnect their wells and connect to the Township’s water system.   We intend to use MTUD staff to expedite and install the water main later this year.


It is always recommended if you own and operate a private well to have it tested periodically.


